Our Services
LeftField is your research department, supporting better marketing decisions and giving you confidence. We are not a market advisory/recommendation company. We don't tell you how to make decisions. You've got the smarts. We add the research and rationale.
Our core offering is ongoing market analysis for Canadian grains, oilseeds and special crops. LeftField Commodity Research covers all Canadian crops in its analysis, but the scope is global. Three regular weekly services are provided - the Special Crops Letter, the Canola & Soy Letter and the Small Grains Letter. We also offer bundled packages for companies, organizations and farms looking to take advantage of all 3 letters. LeftField has built an unparalleled information base with extensive data about Canadian and global crop markets. We dig in obscure places for data, news and information to see what (if any) relevance and value it has for clients.

Farm Market Letter
Some farmers really enjoy the depth of analysis in our three full reports, but we’ve also heard it can be “too much information”, especially when time is at a premium. As a result, we’ve developed a new Farm Market Letter, a single weekly report geared toward farmers, normally sent late Thursday. Consider this another tool to keep you up to date and well informed about factors influencing the markets.
For each crop, we provide bullish and bearish factors, our market stance/opinion and a key chart of the week. The Farm Market Letter doesn’t contain the complete analysis, commentary and charts of our regular reports but still covers the high points for six small grains, two oilseeds and eight (four each week) special crops. A bid sheet and price charts are also included.
Please note: the Farm Market Letter is not intended to make sales recommendations and we’re not trying to replace other advisory services.

Special Crops Letter
LeftField provides independent fundamental analysis of special crop markets with its Special Crops Letter covering peas, lentils, chickpeas, flax, sunflowers, canaryseed, mustard and dry beans.The weekly report analyzes Canadian, North American and global market developments for their impact on markets. This analysis is summed up with bottom line insights about market direction. Also included are North American bid sheets, global price indications and key market data.
In addition to the weekly report, subscribers to the Special Crops Letter also get:
Timely, ad hoc updates of important government reports from Canada and around the world;
Opportunities to call or e-mail with questions or suggestions, and;
Occasional on-request access to data from our files.

Small Grains Letter
LeftField provides market analysis for cereal grains - spring wheat, durum, barley, oats and (sometimes) rye - with the Small Grains Letter. The Small Grains Letter provides concise, relevant Canadian and global market analysis with:
Highlights of key relevant developments;
Bottom line insights about market direction;
The latest futures prices, basis levels, spreads and ratios;
North American and global cash price indications;
Trade and grain handling data;
Current Canadian and US supply & demand tables, and;
Reference charts of prices and grain fundamentals.

Canola & Soy Letter
LeftField provides market analysis for oilseeds from a Canadian perspective with the Canola & Soy Letter. The Canola & Soy Letter provides concise, relevant Canadian and global market analysis with:
Highlights of the most relevant developments;
Bottom line views of where markets are heading;
Futures prices, basis levels, spreads and indices;
North American and global cash price indications;
Trade and handling data;
Current Canadian and US supply & demand tables, and;
Reference charts of prices and oilseed fundamentals.

Our full company name is LeftField Commodity RESEARCH. Yes, we're "yelling" that last word. We want to be your RESEARCH department.
For companies or organizations, we'd be happy to talk to you about adding value for your client base by offering LeftField reports at a preferred rate.
In addition to the regular newsletters, LeftField also offers client-specific economic research projects related to Canadian agricultural markets.
Both Chuck and Jon are seasoned analysts and communicators and are available to provide market outlooks or related presentations to large and small groups.
Contact us at info(at)leftfieldcr.com or (2o4) 949-l726 to start a discussion.